Say Goodbye To Pain In Your Joints, Legs and Spine With This Proven Anti-Inflammatory Smoothie


Anti-Inflammatory Smoothie
Anti-Inflammatory Smoothie

"How to get relieve joint pain instantly at home?", Is a very common health issue in adults. According to a report, every third person(adult) facing joint or spine pain, that may be any part of the body, from your ankles and feet to your hands and shoulders. A few studies have found that people who eat diets high in fiber have lower C-reactive protein (CRP) levels in their blood. CRP is a marker of inflammation that’s been linked to diseases like rheumatoid arthritis (RA), nerve pain and diabetes etc.

A lot of medicine and different creams are available in the market, in order to reduce pain, but all such products have chemicals that have many other side effects on your body and skin.Today here, I will share with you a totally natural solution to treat joint or spine pain instantly.


All the ingredients use it is natural, easily available, and cheap. Must try it and also share it with your friends to get relief spine or joint pain instantly.


  • 2.cup - Pineapple Juice
  • 1 - Orange
  • 1 - lemon
  • 1.inch Ginger
  • 1/4.tsp - Turmeric 
  • 1/2 teaspoon of coconut oil
  • Two celery stalks
  • a dash of black pepper


  • First of all peel off the lemon, orange and ginger.
  • Place all the ingredients in a blender and blend.
  • Serve and enjoy immediately or keep in a closed jar for up to 2-3 days.
  • Using a blender ensures that dietary fiber stays within the juice. 
  • Drink once daily for a complete week to get rid of joints and spine pain permanently.
