Best Exercises For Love Handles


Best way to get rid of love handles
Best Exercises For Love Handles

"How do I get rid of love handles?", Is very common among middle aged people or those who prefer processed food and sugary drinks that are high in fats and calories,  in result fat cells accumulate around the belly and reach the hips and waist. Actually, partner likes to grab your hips, so instead of calling them fat pockets, they got the name love handles.

Love handles looks very ugly and also indicate underlying risk factors for serious health issues, like hypertension, diabetes etc.But no need to worry, as today here I will share with you a best way to get rid of love handles within a month. 


Here in market alot of products like supplements etc, are available in order to burn fat to reduce weight, all such products has chemical, which later has many side effects on your body , therefore try to avoid all such products.
Here is best exercises to lose love handles fast and permanent.Must try them and also share your friends to get rid of love handles fast at home.


love handle workouts
Russian twist love handles

Set on a mat with you knees bent in front of you.Grab a water bottle with both hands, lean slightly back,lift your feet off the floor and twist from your right to left.
Do same 15-20 reps, take  10-15 secs gap and repeat again, at-least 3-sets.


Plank love handle 

Lie in a side plank position, with the resting elbow below your shoulder.Now lower your hip so that it doesn't touch the floor, then lift up, and so on.
Do same 15-20 reps(both sides), take  10-15 secs gap and repeat again, at-least 3-sets.


Woodchop love handle

Stand with feet hip-width apart, hold a water bottle or football in both hands.Now lift the football over your head toward the right, then bring your arms down towards your left side, as if you are chopping.while doing so, slightly bent your knees, in order to increase the crunch in your abs.
Do same 15-20 reps(both sides), take  10-15 secs gap and repeat again, at-least 3-sets.


Crunch love handles

Stand with feet hip-width apart and both hands behind the head as shown in fig.Now bring your right knee up your hips and try to touch your right elbow causing a crunch in your abs.
Do same 15-20 reps(both sides), take  10-15 secs gap and repeat again, at-least 3-sets.


Scissor love handles

Lay down on your back with legs straight and arms to side.Now lift your legs about 5 inches off the floor and scissor them - lift right leg, then left, then right, and so on.
Do same 15-20 reps, take  10-15 secs gap and repeat again, at-least 3-sets.
