How To Straight Hair Naturally At Home?


"How to straight hair naturally?", Is a very common question among girls.Actually, straight hair looks awesome on face, plus can be styled in numerous ways.Straight, shiny and smooth hair is the dream of every girl, but all of us are not blessed with straight hair naturally, and we spend a lot of dollars on different cosmetic products like different straightening tube, etc but all such products contain chemicals which has many other side effects on hair like burning, itching, hair fall, etc. 

But if you are looking for a natural way to straight hair, then congratulation you are at right post, as today here I will share with you a natural hair mask to straightening hair fast and naturally at home.


As there are many products available in the market in order to straight hair, but they   all contain different chemicals, which may have many other side effects on your hair and skin, therefore avoid all such products.

Try the remedy I am sharing with you, as all ingredients used in that remedy are natural, easily available, and cheap. Must try it and also share it with your friends to have straight hair naturally.



  • 2 - Banana (contain silica, that heal flaky and dry scalp that helps to straighten hair)
  • 2.tbsp - Coconut Milk(contain natural minerals, prevent dryness and boost hair grow)
  • 1.tbsp - Lemon Juice(contain citric acid and vitamin C, that improves hair growth plus also straighten hair naturally)


  • First of all, put all ingredients in a shake machine, and mix well to have smooth paste.
  • Now apply that paste on your hair, and gently massage for 5-10 mins with finger tips.
  • Cover your hair with a cap and leave it on 15-20 mins.
  • After 20 mins wash it off with slightly warm water.
  • Repeat same twice a week to have straight hair naturally. ( SEE How To Grow Your Hair Like Crazy In Just Few Weeks? )
NOTE: After bath brush wet hair with a wide-tooth comb, that will help you to have straight hair fast.
