How To Reduce High Blood Pressure Fast?


"How to get rid of high blood pressure instantly?", Is a very common question in men and women both. According to the world health organization(WHO) report, every 1 out of 3 people, has to face a high blood pressure problem and about 70 million Americans has high blood pressure problem. Here in the market, the number of medicins is available for high blood pressure. But if you want a natural and instant cure for high blood pressure, then you are at the exact post, because today here I will share with a natural way to get rid of high blood pressure instantly.

But before moving to "How to get rid of  high blood pressure naturally?", We must know first "What is hypertension?", and "What are the symptoms of high blood pressure?", Then we are able to get rid of high blood pressure fast and permanently.


Actually, when blood flows through blood arteries, it applies a force on the walls of blood vessels, that force is called blood pressure. For a normal healthy person, it's arranged between 80-120 mm-Hg, but sometimes due to different reasons, like diabetes, high cholesterol level, unhealthy diets high in salt and fats, etc, causes high blood pressure, also known as hypertension, and in results have different health issues, according to a medical report high blood pressure can injure or kill you, and every 7 out of 10 persons with high blood pressure faces heart problems, like heart attack and stocks, etc.


Here following are the most common symptoms of high blood pressure:
  • Severe headache
  • Irregular heartbeat or pounding in your chest, neck, or ears.
  • Chest pain
  • Fatigue or confusion
  • Vision problem
  • Trouble breathing
  • Blood in urine

All of the above are the most common symptoms of high blood pressure, and if it is not control on time, it may lead to serious health problems like heart attack, brain stock, kidney failure, vision loss, sexual dysfunction, etc.


Like a lot of medicines are available in the market to get rid of high blood pressure, but all such just control hypertension, not cure it permanently. So, avoid all such kind of products, and try the natural remedy, that I am going to share with you today, to cure high blood pressure instantly.

All the ingredients used in that remedy are natural, cheap, and easily available plus cheap too. So, must try it to get rid of hypertension fast and naturally, and also share it with your friends to cure high blood pressure naturally.




  • 1-2.cloves - Garlic
  1. Actually garlic act as a blood thinner, which helps to fight against high blood pressure.
  2. Garlic also has allicin, a natural anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal agent, which helps to works against many health problems, like high blood pressure, heart attack, brain stock, etc.

  • 1 - Lemon
Actually, lemon juice is enriched with vitamin C, natural anti-oxidants, which remove free radical from the body, and makes blood vessels more soft and flexible, which in reduce high blood pressure instantly.
  • - Water


  • First of all, chopped the garlic and put it in the water, and slightly heat for 2-3 mins, and then pour it in a cup.
  • Now squeeze a lemon in it, and stir well.
  • Drink it, and within just 1-2 mins, you will get relief from high blood pressure, and on a daily  base, it consumption in the morning will cure high blood pressure problems permanently.


Here are the following few habits, that will improve your overall health, especially reduce hypertension and make your life happy and healthy. 

Eat a heart-healthy diet that is enriched with potassium and fibers, like
Drink plenty of water(10-12 glass/day)
Quit smoking, as it thickens the blood and causes many health problems, including high blood pressure.
Limit alcohol consumption, as much as you can for a good and healthy life.
Limit salt consumption(1500mg/day), as it thin blood, in result cause high blood pressure and etc.
Maintain healthy body weight.
Do a moring work and exercise regularly.
Evaluate stress, perform halasana yoga pose, as shown below, for instant and permanent cure of high blood pressure.


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Rehman Yaqub and Amelia Beg, are the founder and editor of Thedailyfitnessbeautytips, an aspiring blogger with an obsession for all things relating to health & beauty. This blog is dedicated to helping people learn about fitness and beauty. If you have any queries regarding fitness, overweight, underweight, beauty, skin problems, makeup, hairstyle, hair growth, teeth problem, and any other thing relating them, feel free to contact us through comments or email us personally. We are 24/7 available for you.
