How To Lose 10 Pounds Weight in Just 2 Days?


"How to lose 10 pounds weight in just 2 days?", today I will share with you the magic behind the slimness, smartness, and leanness of Chinese people. The first and most important thing they never drink cold water, and second, they all use a secret weight loss magical recipe, which is totally natural and has very good effects on health. Today I will discuss with you that weight loss magical recipe.

Here a lot of different synthetic products are available in markets, in order to weight loss by burning your body extra fat, but all of such products have chemicals, that have many other side effects on your body. So, avoid all such kind of products. And some people even do surgeries too, in order to weight loss but that mothed is very expensive and annoying. So, try the remedy today I am sharing with you and also share it with your friends to look more slim, fit, and attractive by losing weight. And the good thing about that remedy is, all the ingredient use it are natural, easily available and cheap. Must try that weight loss magical recipe to have a slim, fit, and happy life.



  • 2 - Elaichi
  1. Elaichi effectively stimulates digestion and boosts metabolism rate that helps in fat burning to weight loss.
  2. Elaichi is also effective for the treatment of constipation, that too very effective for weight loss.

  • 1.bag - Green Tea
  1. Green tea has antioxidants, called caffeine that boosts the metabolism rate to weight loss.
  2. Green tea also has catechin, that helps the body to burn extra fat to weight loss.

  • 1 - Lemon
Actually, lemon water acts like an appetite suppressant that helps the body's to feel fullness to decrease the calorie intake to weight loss.
  • 1.tsp - Honey
Honey helps the body to produce glucose that in return helps the body to burn extra fat to weight loss.
  • 1.cup - Water


How To Use:

  • First of all, put water and green tea in pan, and heat for 5-mins.
  • Then pour it in a cup, squeeze the lemon in it, and add honey and elaichi in it.
  • Stir well to have a homogeneous solution.
  • Your weight loss magical recipe is ready to drink.

NOTE: Drink that weight loss magical drink at night, before going to bed for maximum and quick weight loss.


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