How To Remove Unwanted Hair In An Instant Without Pain?


"How to remove unwanted hair permanently at home?", is a very common question in men and women. As nowadays, every man and woman desires to look more attractive and beautiful and for that purpose, they try their best. One of the major steps, they took to look attractive is the removal of all their unwanted hair, like upper-lip hair, facial hair, underarm hair, etc. As these hair are very annoying and awful, that's why everyone wants to get rid of unwanted hair.

A lot of cosmetic products available in the market to remove unwanted hair but all such products contain chemicals that may have other side effects too on your skin. So, don't try any such thing.

Today here, I will share with you a natural solution to get rid of unwanted hair. All the ingredients used in it are natural and easily available plus cheap too. Must try it and also share it with your friends to remove unwanted hair at home permanently.



  • 1 - Egg's White
Egg dry quickly, plus it works more precisely to pull of the hair from the root, to move unwanted hair permanently.
  • 1.tsp - Honey

  1. Honey is an excellent exfoliating agent, that will help in removing the unwanted hair.
  2. Honey is also very effective for skin brightness. ( SEE How To Remove Upper Lip Hair Permanently? )

  • Tissue Paper
  • A Cotton Ball


How To Use:

  • First of all, separate the egg's white in a bowl and add honey in it and stir.
  • Now dip the cotton ball and apply a thin layer of it on an effective area. 
  • Before it dries, stick bits of tissue paper all over the area and layer it again with 2 layers by the same process, so it will be less painful to remove.
  • After it dried, remove the mask from downwards to upwards direction and repeat the same twice a week and remove all the unwanted hair permanently. (ALSO SEE How To Tighten Sagging Skin Naturally ? )
