How To Get Rid Of unwanted hair Without Shaving?


"How to get rid of the leg hair without shaving at home", is a very common question between girls. As nowadays, every man and woman desires to look more attractive and beautiful and for that purpose, we try our best. One of the major beauty issues is the leg's hair, they look very annoying and awful, that's why everyone wants to get rid of them.

A lot of cosmetic products available in the market to remove leg hair but all such products contain chemicals that may have other side effects too on your skin. So, don't try any such thing.

Today here, I will share with you a natural solution to get rid of unwanted hair without shaving. All the ingredients used in it are natural and easily available plus cheap too. Must try it and also share it with your friends to get rid of leg hair permanently. ( ALSO SEE How To Remove Upper Lip Hair Permanently? )



  • 1.5.tsp - Milk
  • 1.tsp - Milk's Cream
  1. Milk is a natural moisturizer, that maintains the skin tone balance. 
  2. Milk also whiten the skin by reducing dark spots and wrinkles.

  • 3/4.tsp - Turmeric Powder
Actually, turmeric powder has anti-bacterial and anti-septic properties that help to weaken the hair roots and upon scrubbing pull hair roots out of the skin.
  • Tissue Paper
  • A Cotton Ball

How To Use:

  • First of all, mix all the ingredients in a bowl and stir well to make a smooth paste.
  • Now dip the cotton ball and apply a thin layer of it, on the effective area. 
  • Before it dries, stick bits of tissue paper all over the area and layer it again with 2 layers by the same process, so it will be less painful to remove.
  • As it dry, remove the mask from downwards to upwards direction, and repeat the same twice a week, and all of your unwanted hair will remove off. 

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ameliabegAmelia Beg and Rehman Yaqub, are the founder and editor of Thedailyfitnessbeautytips, an aspiring blogger with an obsession for all things relating to health & beauty. This blog is dedicated to helping people learn about fitness and beauty. If you have any queries regarding fitness, overweight, underweight, beauty, skin problems, makeup, hairstyle, hair growth, teeth problem, and any other thing relating them, feel free to contact us through comments or email us personally. We are 24/7 available for you.
