How To Get A Bigger Buttocks And Hips With Exercise At Home?



"How to have big buttocks and hips in a week?", Is the dream of every girl and for that purpose done different workouts, plus also take different protein shakes and supplements to have big and toned booty, but we don't have satisfying results most of time.

Actually, we don't have proper knowledge about workout and diet plan, we don't know which exercises toned which muscles, in result we don't have maximum possible muscle gain, but congratulation today here I will share with you a best booty workout, which specially designed to uplift, toned, reshaped, and enhanced buttocks and hips muscles within week.


Here in market alot of products like supplements or injections etc, are available in order to toned and increase buttocks and hips size, all such products has chemical, which later has many side effects on your body , therefore try to avoid all such products.

Must try these booty exercises to have big buttocks and hips naturally, and a good news, all these exercises for big booty are so simple, easily, and you can do them at any where - you just need a exercise mat.



Lower your hips from a standing position, during that keep your chest up, pause here for 10-15 sec and then stands back up.

Do same 20-25 reps, take  10-15 secs gap and repeat again, at-least 3-sets.



Stand with feet hip-distance apart, lower your hips from a standing position, and then push your heels the floor by jumping back up as high as you can.

Do same 20-25 reps, take  10-15 secs gap and repeat again, at-least 3-sets.



Get down your hand and knees, position your hands below your shoulders, then lift your right leg, knees bend, thighs parallel to the floor, bring down the leg and repeat same with the other leg.

Do same 20-25 reps, take  10-15 secs gap and repeat again, at-least 3-sets.



Just same like the static lungs, bend your leg parallel to flour, just difference that while standing walk forward by lunging out with the other leg and the movement continues for a set number of reps.

Do same 20-25 reps, take  10-15 secs gap and repeat again, at-least 3-sets.

NOTE: SEE Best Whole Body Warm-up Exercises.  
